Info, Help, Instruction
man (manual)
The man pages are help files for handling and explaining the options of commands and programs. The command man
is followed by the command as a paramater:
__$ man cd
A Manpage can be searched with a slash followed by a search word: /searchword
. Use n
to jump to the next search hit. q
to exit.
The man
command also has instructions:
__$ man man
Gives information about a command, whether it is internal, external or an alias. This command is also useful to find out if a command is implemented.
__$ type cd
Prints the path of an executable file specified in the PATH
environment variable.
__$ which cd
prints all paths to an executable file.
__$ which -a cd
Outputs the history of the entered terminal commands.
__$ history
Delete the history file with -c
__$ history -c
Set the maximum number of entries to 10,000.
__$ export HISTSIZE=10000
File system
pwd (print working directory)
Prints the current directory path. Rather useful in shell scripts!
__$ pwd
cd (change directory)
Without any further specification it changes to the home
__$ cd
Change to a directory with absolute path:
__$ cd /absolute/path
Change to a directory with relative path
__$ cd /relative/path
Paths with spaces are enclosed in quotation marks:
__$ cd "a path/with space/somewhere"
Change one directory level higher:
__$ cd ..
One directory level higher and change relatively from there:
__$ cd ../path/from/there
Go back to the previous directory:
__$ cd -
Change to the home directory:
__$ cd
ls (list)
Outputs the contents of a directory.
__$ ls
Output as a detailed list with -l
__$ ls -l
Output also of hidden files with -a
__$ ls -a
Common use:
__$ ls -la
List detailed (-l
), all (-a
), sorted by time (-t
), and in reverse order (-r
__$ ls -latr
With path specification:
__$ ls -la /etc
Scroll through long outputs with less
(or more
__$ ls -la /etc | less
Alias ~
lists the home
__$ ls ~
stat (status)
Display information about files and folders.
__$ stat my-file.txt
Less details with -t
__$ stat -t my-file.txt
Changes the modification date of files. If the file does not exist, it will be created.
__$ touch ma-new-file.txt
Change the access and change timestamp to 12/31/2020 12:45:30 with -t
__$ touch -t 201231124530 my-old-file.txt
Change the modification timestamp (-m
) to 12/31/2020 12:45:30 with -t
__$ touch -t 201231124530 my-old-file.txt
Change the access timestamp (-a
) to 12/31/2020 12:45:30 with -t
__$ touch -t 201231124530 my-old-file.txt
cp (copy)
Copies files and folders:
__$ cp file.txt new/path/file.txt
Copy multiple files and folders:
__$ cp file.txt folder new/path/
Copy subdirectories with -r
__$ cp -r folder new/path/
Attributes retained -a
(owner, group and access rights / creation, modification and access data):
__$ cp -a file.txt new/path/
Interactive mode! Ask -i
before overwriting:
__$ cp -i file.txt new/path/
Save files with the same name -b
__$ cp -b file.txt new/path/
mv (move)
Move or rename files and folders.
Rename file-a.txt
to file-b.txt
__$ mv file-a.txt file-b.txt
Move file-a.txt
to path/file-a.txt
__$ mv file-a.txt path/file-a.txt
Move and rename file-a.txt
to path/file-b.txt
__$ mv file-a.txt path/file-b.txt
Move file-a.txt
and ornder-b
into folder-c
__$ mv file-a.txt folder-b folder-c/
Rename file extension of multiple files:
__$ mv *.JPG *.jpg
mkdir (make directory)
Create directories:
__$ mkdir folder-a
Create multiple directories:
__$ mkdir folder-a folder-b
Create a directory, create parent folders with, if necessary -p
__$ mkdir -p folder-a/folder-b/folder-c
Create directory trees with curly braces {folder}
__$ mkdir -p folder-a/{folder-b, folder-c}/{folder-1, folder-2}
This creates the structure:
|-- folder-a
|-- folder-b
|-- folder-1
|-- folder-2
|-- folder-c
|-- folder-1
|-- folder-2
rm (remove)
Delete files and directories:
__$ rm file.txt
Delete multiple files and directories including subdirectories -r
__$ rm -r file.txt folder
Delete all files with the extension .jpg
__$ rm *.jpg
Delete without asking -f
__$ rm -f file.txt
Delete with demand -i
. Interactive mode!
__$ rm *.jpg
rmdir (remove directory)
Delete empty directories:
__$ rmdir empty-folder
Delete parent directories as well -p
__$ rmdir -p folder-a/folder-b/folder-c
ln (link)
Creates a link to a file or directory. The -s
parameter creates a symbolic or soft link.
__$ ln -s /path/to/source-file.txt new-symbolic-link
Pack file.txt
to file.txt.gz
__$ gzip file.txt
Pack a folder to folder.gz
__$ gzip folder
Pack multiple files individually (Output file1.txt.gz
, file3.txt.gz
__$ gzip file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt
Unzip an archive:
__$ gzip -d archive.gz
Read, Search, Write, Replace
For outputting strings and variables in standard output, for example the terminal:
__$ echo "My username is $USER"
cat (concatenate)
Merges files or prints the contents of a file in the terminal:
__$ cat /etc/hostname
Outputs the contents of a file in the terminal with the advantage of being able to scroll long outputs (scroll with the arrow keys and quit with q
__$ less ~/.bashrc
Outputs the last lines of a file. Without specifications, the last 10 lines are output:
__$ tail /var/log/auth.log
Output of the last 5 lines with -n
__$ tail -n5 /var/log/auth.log
Show changes of a file live with -f
__$ tail -f /var/log/auth.log
Search files for strings or regular expressions:
__$ grep "searchword" /var/log/auth.log
wc (word count)
Counts words, lines, characters or bytes of a text file.
Count lines with -l
__$ wc -l /var/log/auth.log
Count words with -w
__$ wc -w /var/log/auth.log
Count characters with -m
__$ wc -m /var/log/auth.log
Count bytes with -c
__$ wc -c /var/log/auth.log
Length of the longest line with -L
__$ wc -L /var/log/auth.log
> (redirect and replace)
Redirects an output, for example to a file. The contents of the file are overwritten:
__$ echo "My new Text" > ~/file.txt
>> (redirect and append)
Redirects an output and writes it to the end of a file:
__$ echo "More text to the end of the file." >> ~/file.txt
sed (stream editor)
Replaces text in a file according to a search pattern or regular expression. sed
is a non-interactive text editor.
Replace all occurrences of "old-text" with "new-text":
__$ sed -i 's/old-text/new-text/g' file.txt
Removes the hash symbol (#
) at the beginning of the line from #force_color_prompt
and comments it in:
__$ sed -i '/^#force_color_prompt *=/s/^#//' ~/.bashrc
Changes the value of a configuration line:
__$ sed -i 's/\(ConfigurationAttributes[\t[:space:]]*=[\t[:space:]]*\).*/\1 newValue/g' ~/file.conf
A simple text editor that can be run from the terminal. Show full list of keyboard shortcuts with CTRL+g
With nano
a new file can also be created:
__$ nano ~/new-file.txt
The most important keyboard shortcuts:
save asCTRL+x
cut or delete whole lineCTRL+ALT+↑
continue searching
vim (vi improved)
A comprehensive text editor that can be run from the terminal.
With vim
a new file can also be created:
__$ vim ~/new-file.txt
The most important keyboard shortcuts:
close and discard changesESC
normal modei
insert modex
delete mode
It is worth working through the vim
learning course:
__$ vimtutor
System, Hardware, Network, Monitoring
getent (get entries)
Reading out important system information stored in databases (text files). Very useful to get a quick overview of users, groups and network. The possible sources can be retrieved via the first parameter: ahosts
, ahostsv4
, ahostsv6
, aliases
, ethers
(Ethernet addresses), group
, gshadow
, hosts
, netgroup
, networks
, passwd
, protocols
, rpc
, services
, shadow
List all user accounts with passwd
__$ getent passwd
Readout of a specific user:
__$ getent passwd tom
Show groups:
__$ getent groups
Read and edit the hostname and related settings:
__$ hostnamectl
Information about LSB (Linux Standard Base) and distribution. All information with -a
__$ lsb_release -a
is a file with information about the operating system:
__$ cat /etc/os-release
Output system information about the kernel. All information with -a
__$ uname -a
Displays running processes with current changes:
__$ top
Displays running processes and utilization of memory and processor with current changes:
__$ htop
Overview of all block devices (hard disks, partitions, USB drives, etc.):
__$ lsblk
(file system) displays additional information about the file systems:
__$ lsblk -f
df (disk free)
Shows the free disk space. With -h
the units are output in larger units:
__$ df -h
includes all file systems:
__$ df -all
By specifying a path, only the partition where the file or folder is located is considered (the current directory is specified with a dot df .
__$ df /home
du (disk usage)
Displays the used disk space. With -h
the units are output in larger units:
__$ du -h
includes all file systems:
__$ du -all
By specifying a path, only the partition where the file or folder is located is considered (the current directory is specified with a dot du .
__$ du /home
free memory
Information about the used and unused memory:
__$ free
With -h
the units are output in larger units:
__$ free -h
Restart of the operating system.
__$ reboot
Switch off the computer.
__$ poweroff
ps (processes)
Manages processes.
Display the complete process list:
__$ ps ax
Process list with extended information:
__$ ps axu
Running processes:
__$ ps -r
Display specific process by process ID (PID):
__$ ps 1
Displays the process list in a tree structure:
__$ pstree
Filter processes based on a search term.
Displays all processes with "ssh" in the process name:
__$ pgrep ssh
Terminates a process by sending a signal to a process ID (PID). Standard signal is 15
. With this signal the process has the possibility to terminate itself cleanly. -SIGKILL
or 9
terminates a process immediately.
Terminates process 555 with -SIGTERM
__$ kill 555
Terminates the process 555 with -SIGKILL
__$ kill -9 555
Terminates all processes that match a process name.
Terminate processes with the name "apache":
__$ killall apache
Exact match of the process name with -e
__$ killall -e apache
Interactive exit with -i
. Ask before each exit:
__$ killall -i apache
Program package to manage system and session manager systemd
Listing of all system units with list-units
__$ systemctl list-units
Listing of all timed system units with list-timers
__$ systemctl list-timers
Start a system unit with start
__$ systemctl start ssh
Stopping a system unit with stop
__$ systemctl stop ssh
Restart a system unit with restart
__$ systemctl restart ssh
Restart a system unit and reload associated configuration files with reload
__$ systemctl reload ssh
Display status of a system unit with status
__$ systemctl status ssh
Load system unit at system startup with enable
__$ systemctl enable ssh
System unit does not load with disable
at system startup:
__$ systemctl disable ssh
Check if system unit loads with is-enabled
at system startup:
__$ systemctl is-enabled ssh
Reload the systemd configuration files daemon-reload
__$ systemctl daemon-reload
Program package for network interface management.
Show IP address with a
__$ ip a
Show network interfaces with link
__$ ip link
Check accessibility of other computers:
__$ ping
dig (domain information groper)
Queries DNS information:
__$ dig
Query the mail server entry with mx
__$ dig mx
With nslookup (Name Server Lookup) DNS information can be retrieved.
Translate a domain to an IP:
__$ nslookup
Reverse DNS Lookup:
__$ nslookup
Query the NS Record:
__$ nslookup -type=ns
Query all NS Records:
__$ nslookup -type=any
Query the MX Record:
__$ nslookup -type=mx
Use nslookup interactively (exit with exit
__$ nslookup
Secure Shell is a protocol for encrypted network communication.
Simple SSH connection via standard port 22:
__$ ssh
SSH connection via port 2222 with -p
__$ ssh -p 2222
SSH connection via port 2222 (-p
) and private key (-i
__$ ssh -p 2222 -i path/key
Download files from FTP, HTTP or HTTPS servers.
Download to the current directory:
__$ wget
Save with different file name (-O
__$ wget -O new-name.tar
Download to another directory (-P
__$ wget -P /tmp
Utility to list open files. Since everything is a file under Linux, it can also be used to read open ports.
List open ports (filtered with the search word "LISTEN"):
__$ lsof -i -P | grep LISTEN
Command line program for network interface diagnostics.
Show all network interfaces:
__$ netstat
List all open ports:
__$ netstat -lptn
Observe specific port:
__$ netstat -pan | grep 80
Packet sniffer. Logs network events.
Show network interfaces:
__$ tcpdump -D
Log network events from port 443:
__$ tcpdump -n -i enp1s0 port 443
Log network events with IP
__$ tcpdump -n -i enp1s0 | grep
Write network events from port 443 to the log.txt file:
__$ tcpdump -n -i enp1s0 port 443 -w log.txt
ufw (uncomplicated firewall)
Default firewall.
Check status with status
__$ ufw status
Detailed status with status verbose
__$ ufw status verbose
Output rule table with rule numbers status numbered
__$ ufw status numbered
Enable with enable
__$ ufw enable
Disable with disable
__$ ufw disable
Block everything incoming:
__$ ufw default deny incoming
Allow all outgoing:
__$ ufw default allow outgoing
Allow a service with allow
__$ ufw allow ssh
Allow a port over TCP with allow
__$ ufw allow 3000/tcp
Block a port with deny
__$ ufw deny 3000
Delete rule via rule number with delete
__$ ufw delete 5
Rule Reload table with reload
__$ ufw reload
List of all applications app list
__$ ufw app list
Information about a specific application app info
__$ ufw app info "Nginx Full"
Prüfen ob Logging aktiviert ist:
__$ ufw status verbose
Log-Level ändern:
: Kein verwaltetes Logging.on (low, Standard)
: Protokolliert alle blockierten Pakete, die nicht der definierten Richtlinie (mit Verbindungsratenbegrenzung) entsprechen, sowie Pakete, die den protokollierten Regeln entsprechen.on (medium)
: Protokollierungsstufe niedrig, sowie alle erlaubten Pakete, die nicht der definierten Richtlinie entsprechen, alle INVALID-Pakete und alle neuen Verbindungen. Die gesamte Protokollierung erfolgt mit Verbindungsratenbegrenzung.on (High)
: Protokollebene mittel (ohne Verbindungsratenbegrenzung), plus alle Pakete mit Verbindungsratenbegrenzung.on (Full)
: Protokollierungsstufe hoch ohne Verbindungsratenbegrenzung.
__$ ufw logging medium
Log Dateien von ufw:
__$ ls /var/log/ufw*
Alle Log Dateien ausgeben:
__$ less /var/log/ufw*
Protokollierung live mitlesen:
__$ tail -f /var/log/ufw.log
Users, groups and rights management
Outputs the currently logged in user name:
__$ whoami
su (substitute user)
Changes the user:
__$ su tom
The option -
or -l
changes the user and simulates a real login with changing the home directory, changing the shell settings and setting the environment variables of the user:
__$ su - tom
Use a shell -s
with a different user -u
__$ sudo -s -u tom
Logs out the user:
__$ logout
To change the password:
__$ passwd
Changing the password from the user tom
__$ passwd tom
Outputs the currently logged in user name (similar to whoami):
__$ users
List all users:
__$ less /etc/passwd
The /etc/passwd
file contains some information about all user accounts. The structure of a line has the following meaning:
: Usernamex
: Password is set0
: UID (User ID)0
: GID (Group ID)root
: Comment/root
: Home directory/bin/bash
: Standard shell program
List users with search filter. Every line in which root
__$ less /etc/passwd | grep root
Create a new user interactively:
__$ adduser tom
Add a user to an existing group:
__$ adduser tom groupname
Create a new user without any further information --gecos
__$ adduser --gecos "just tom" tom
Create a new system user systom
__$ adduser --system --group systom
: System user--group
: in combination with--system
, the same name is used for the group
Create a new system user systom
with additional parameters:
__$ adduser --system --group --disabled-password --shell /bin/bash --home /home/systom systom
: do not set password, therefore no password based user login possible, but SSH login allowed--shell
: the shell after login--home
: user home directory
deluser (delete user)
Deletes a user account including the user files:
__$ deluser tom
Remove a user from a group:
__$ deluser tom groupname
Change a user account.
Add another group to a user (previous groups are preserved):
__$ usermod -aG groupname tom
Lists the primary and supplementary groups:
__$ groups
List groups of specific users (root
, tom
, syslog
__$ groups root tom syslog
Create groups:
__$ groupadd nameofnewgroup
Delete group:
__$ groupdel nameofgroup
Changing a group. For example, change the group name oldname
to newname
with the -n
__$ groupmod -n newname oldname
chown (change owner)
Change the owner of a file or folder.
becomes the new owner of the /var/www/site
__$ chown tom /var/www/site
becomes the new owner of the /var/www/site
and all files and folders contained therein with -R
__$ chown -R tom /var/www/site
tom and the group of the same name become the new owner of the /var/www/page
__$ chown tom:tom /var/www/site
Changes the access rights of files and folders. The permissions are specified numerically (octal) or symbolically.
The symbolic character sequence of a rights write has ten digits, which are divided into four groups - --- --- ---
(the notation does not actually provide for spaces, they are just for illustration in this example):
- first group (character 1): shows whether it is a file (
) or a directory (d
) - second group (characters 2-4): owner rights; read, write, execute
- third group (characters 5-7): group rights; read, write, execute
- fourth group (characters 8-10): other rights; read, write, execute
Example: d rwx r-x r-x
(corresponds numerically to 755):
: it is a directoryrwx
: Owner may read, write, executer-x
: Group may read, executer-x
: Others may read, execute
Example: - rwx rwx rwx
(corresponds numerically to 777):
: it is a filerwx
: Owner may read, write, executerwx
: Group may read, write, executerwx
: Others may read, write, execute
Example: - rw- r-- r--
(corresponds numerically to 644):
: it is a filerw-
: Owner may read, writer--
: Group may readr--
: Others may read
Change the access rights numerically to 755 of the file.txt
__$ chmod 755 file.txt
Change the access rights numerically to 655 of the folder
folder and all the files and folders it contains with -R
__$ chmod -R 755 file.txt
Change the access rights symbolically (corresponding to numerically 777) of the file file.txt
. a
stands for all. +
stands for add. rwx
stands for read, write, execute:
__$ chmod a+rwx file.txt
chgrp (change group)
Changes the group membership of files or folders.
Set group tom
as the new owner of the folder /var/www/site
__$ chgrp tom /var/www/site
APT - Package Management (Advanced Packaging Tool)
apt install
Installs a package. For example, dnsutils
__$ apt install dnsutils
apt remove
Removes a package. Any configuration files and the like that have been created are retained:
__$ apt remove dnsutils
apt purge
Removes configuration files and the like from packages that have already been uninstalled:
__$ apt purge dnsutils
apt update
Gets package information of all configured sources and updates the package list:
__$ apt update
apt upgrade
Updates packages that are listed in the package list:
__$ apt upgrade
apt full-upgrade
Similar to upgrade
, additionally removes packages if necessary. Should be used instead of upgrade
when upgrading the system as a whole:
__$ apt full-upgrade
apt show
Displays information about a package:
__$ apt show dnsutils
apt list
Lists all installed packages with --installed
__$ apt list --installed
Query a specific installed package with --installed
and a search word with placeholder opens*
__$ apt list --installed opens*
Lists all renewable packages with --upgradeable
__$ apt list --upgradeable
Lists all available versions with --all-versions
__$ apt list --all-versions
apt search
Searches online for available packages. For example, dnsutils
__$ apt search dnsutils
apt autoremove
Removes packages that are no longer needed, for example, packages that were installed due to other dependencies:
__$ apt autoremove
apt clean
Cleans up the archive folder for packages /var/cache/apt/archives/
__$ apt clean